Survived my first two nights. Delivered three babies, always lovely. Then was sent on my own with no supervision to care for a woman for 4 hours [2 hours over when i should have left]. The levels of staffing are awful, but once I'd got over my terror that I would not know what to do we had a lovely time. She hadn't had an opportunity to make a birth plan so we made one together in between contractions with her partner. It was really lovely, and good experience for me to explain all the options with the pros and cons. She asked if it was ok to do it that way and did I mind, it was a classic example I think about how women are backed into thinking that we're the ones in charge and going to make all the decisions. I have worked with a few midwives who work this way, but thats one thing that I won't ever do. I went home really pleased, in a way I wish I could have stayed, but its not practical, and I've learnt my lesson doing that before.
Mouse doing ok I think, as crazy as ever. They're all mad for their wheel, and last night managed to empty all their food everywhere. The rats pushed their ceramic bowl off their house, but thankfully it didn't break.
Just really looking forward to going home now. Doing a shift on Saturday night then straight onto train Sunday morning.
Would love a link to blog, I'm going to have to sort out some of mine I think over the holiday.