sugar, spice and all things mice

About my mice and rat escapades and how my boys and girls are doing. Oh, and sometimes me too.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Back by popular demand

Ok, so popular demand might actually be stretching the truth somewhat! But it was suggested to me that perhaps I should continue with my blog, and to be honest I think it's a good idea. So, a quick update on what has been happening:

I have just finished my last official labour ward placement in my training. I will still be going back in with my caseload, and I think I may go in and go with some caesarean sections as they can be a bit difficult to organise as a midwife, but thats the last proper one. Rest of the time is now community which is daunting but great. I loved community last time, although it might be the hardest bit of all to do. At the moment I am worried that I have forgotten everything! Panic. Overall I have now got 50 deliveries, so done well and don't have to worry anymore about that big number 40 hanging over my head.

Rats and mice (stars of the blog) are all still doing well although they are not sure about the cold weather. My room is sub-zero temperature so they're doing quite a lot of sleeping and cuddling up to each other. One rat - sugar - still bald as ever on the top of her head as the other rat continues to nibble it away, but she really doesn't seem to be bothered at all.

Exciting news - I have had an offer accepted on a house, then I'll be a real adult. Wooooo. At the moment though it's at that stressful stage when you invest everything, financially and emotionally, and feel in total limbo as you wait for it all to happen. I just keep thinking of what I'm going to do with it and where I'll start. My lease where I am now carries on till the end of june and since I have to keep paying rent and bills etc. I am not going to move totally out of there till then. Might as well make the most of the opportunity to sort the new house out. I WANT IT NOW!

Uni is as frustrating as ever, you learn on placement and never in university, so why do we have to go. At the moment it feels like teach-yourself-midwifery. Ah well. Have the worlds nastiest exam coming up in January and am proper dreading it. A 30 minute presentation on the spot about 5 women you get the details of ten minutes before. It is my ultimate nightmare, as I know i'll get worked up and flustered. They say it's just like being on placement but it isn't as it's so fake, the women aren't there, you're not interacting with anyone just talking constantly forever, and you have 5 examiners sat in front of you. Oh god.....Still I'm starting reading my guidelines from front to back from now, and thats one of the major tasks for christmas as well.

Apart from that life continues as normal. Neil still lovely, overworked and underpaid. Barely get to see each other once a week recently, but we've both made a real effort this weekend to make some time.

Photos of house to follow as possible. I'll get done for stalking the property before it's mine at this rate!


Blogger hencity said...

welcome back!

6:57 PM  
Blogger Kathryn said...

Hooray...both of you blogging again! That's excellent. So glad all is well,- and very excited for you about the house. Pictures are highly desirable, though arrest less appealing. January seems to feature unpleasant exams for all and sundry...but I hope maybe you'll be available to meet irl over Christmas. however briefly.
I met a rat in India, whom I was not enchanted by, though it was, like me, queuing to use an internet cafe. Perhaps it blogs too...

6:11 AM  
Blogger sugar, spice and all things mice said...

I think mine would like to blog themselves to be honest, although I fear after publishing they would chew the cables. Meeting over christmas would be great. I will need removal from sitting in front of a midwifery book and quietly rocking.

3:41 PM  

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