sugar, spice and all things mice

About my mice and rat escapades and how my boys and girls are doing. Oh, and sometimes me too.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

More prayer needed please

Oh dear....why are animals so concerning.

I've just finished another three 12 hour nights together, and dragged myself back out of bed as I'm on a day shift tomorrow. Got up, made a cup of coffee then cleared out rats and mice. One of rats has some fur missing on her head, but there is no broken skin or anything. But one of the mice has got a vey poorly bit where the leg joins his body. It's not an open wound or anything, and he's walking around and let me have a really close look so he's not rolling round the cage in agony, but my worry is how it happened. The squabbling had calmed down a lot, but because I have been away for 3 nights at work I haven't been able to see if it was due to a fight. I could seperate them, but once you do that you can't put them back together normally, and they all sleep snuggled up and I don't want him to be lonely. Ahhhhh, I guess I'm just going to have to watch for what happens.

Work has been good, exhausting though. There haven't been enough midwives on (as always), so we've been all working constantly, having at least two people each at once, no breaks etc. I was terrified as it meant me basically functioning as a qualified midwife, but it was all good experience. I'm up to 31 babies I've delivered normally now! Yey.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Heat wave in sheffield was slightly warmer than normal. I managed to con my boyfrind into driving me to the big supermarket so that I could buy heavy foods, and came back with the worlds largest bag of carrots. At least thats keeping the boys and girls happy and a bit cooler. Everyone appears to be doing well, although a change in make of food has caused some grumpiness.

I'm doing alright as well. Just starting (hopefully) to recover from a really grim cold. I've felt pretty bad since the end of my last shift and am going back tomorrow night for another three nights on a row, so keep your fingers drossed for me. Did have two very nice days this week though, I went to Hull to the aquarium and to York to look around, both with Neil and both very good. We went on a horse and cart round York, it was all very silly but very fun. I'll put some pictures of the aquarium on when I get them from Neil, but for now I have put the horse (obviously).

Right back to the grindstone, it's the first day I could face sitting at the desk.