sugar, spice and all things mice

About my mice and rat escapades and how my boys and girls are doing. Oh, and sometimes me too.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I know!!!

Its is a bit wild isn't it. The box says it uses vibrant colours to interest children, but to be honest if the children are only interested in the box then whats the point in having the mice inside? I've been trialing the mice in it while I wash the cage every few days, they love it as long as it has toilet roll tubes in it. I'm sorry to say that I think every time they come out of the end of the tube they think that they are in a new cage. Awww they're only boys so small brains.

Special care baby unit - 2 days down, 1 to go. I just do not like it. It is a prime example of why I did not do midwifery to 'cuddle babies'. I want to be back on the ward talking to drug withdrawing mothers, or women with pregnancy complications. I would enjoy it more if you had the same autonomy on SCBU that you do on the wards, and therefore were more involved in managing the conditions, but they just don't. So you do what the doctors tell you. Ugh. It's not my thing. Plus some of the attitudes are really disheartening. I asked today about the reasons that a term baby might be admitted, and the main reason I got was 'cos you lot have messed up yet again'. And they wonder why neonatal nurses and midwives do not traditionally get on.

Just looking at train tickets, why are they so expensive, and yet often pretty pants! Anyway, not back till Thursday now so I am going to have a nice day tomorrow.
Need to feed my girls, and put the boys house back together.

And by the way, I'm ashamed to say it was 3 in the morning. I don't sleep when I'm worried about shifts, and I really was. So I read a zillion journal articles and wrote some assignment words. It's stupid when I should be asleep, but it's even more stupid to lie awake worrying when I can at least get something out of the way.


Blogger Kathryn said...

Shall I save loo rolls for your mice, as well as son-blighted loaves for hencity?? Reading all this is making me wish we weren't so blessed with cats and so short of space here...I miss my rodents (and I'm sure they'd have been very good diversions for nervous parishioners,in a way that two loud and vibrant terriers totally fail to be).
However...congrats on surviving 2/3 of SCBU. Sad that its not more rewarding: I'd guess that the high tech element appeals to a particular mindset too.
Sleep well and enjoy not having to go in tomorrow. My day off too.

9:47 PM  

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